Author: emathew

At Civita App, we specialize in 311 Citizen Relationship Management Solutions for local governments. Our expertise lies in enhancing community engagement and visitor interaction through mobile-friendly platforms, promoting connectivity and... Read More

BetterServ's 24/7 City Info Chatbot For Residents

BetterServ's AI Chatbot powered by ChatGPT, offers residents 24/7 access to crucial city information, eliminating hold times and missed deadlines. Working professionals find it particularly beneficial to access details about... Read More

We make offshore hiring easy and efficient, allowing you to find the perfect talent in India with Rattle Tech Teams. Access a global pool of skilled professionals to broaden your... Read More

Are you looking for the perfect tech talent for your organization? Rattle Tech Teams can simplify your hiring process. At Rattle Tech Teams, we connect businesses with pre-vetted, highly skilled... Read More

BetterServ's 24/7 City Info Chatbot For Residents

BetterServ's AI Chatbot powered by ChatGPT, offers residents 24/7 access to crucial city information, eliminating hold times and missed deadlines. Working professionals find it particularly beneficial to access details about... Read More

Experience Civita App's 311 Mobile App Solution, an innovative approach to community engagement that fosters vibrant, informed, and connected cities. Enjoy real-time updates, streamlined service requests, and engaging features for... Read More

At Rattle Tech Teams, we specialize in seamlessly integrating talent recruitment with efficient talent management practices. Specializing in meeting your HR and back office needs, we identify, acquire, assess, and... Read More

BetterServ's ChatGPT-powered AI chatbots empower state and local governments to respond to citizen inquiries swiftly and effectively. These chatbots provide 24/7 support, delivering instant, accurate answers about public services, local... Read More

BetterServ's ChatGPT-powered AI chatbots empower state and local governments to respond to citizen inquiries swiftly and effectively. These chatbots provide 24/7 support, delivering instant, accurate answers about public services, local... Read More

Rattle Tech Teams provides customized offshore software development teams for startups, featuring skilled professionals who collaborate seamlessly with your core team across borders. We ensure regular communication with clients and... Read More