NFPA 11C is a standard formulated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) which regulates the design, installation, and maintenance of foam-water systems. Foam-water systems are generated commonly for fire suppression; mainly utilized in the hours of such perils when flammable liquid or flammable chemicals are present. The standard having provisions includes foam agents and nozzle category, equipment, necessary flow rate, and fire-control distribution methods that have to be effective in fire suppression. In addition, the NFPA 11C touches upon test and inspection methods necessary to ensure the operational reliability of the systems. Observance to these standards by the organizations would promote enhanced fire safety and preparedness for hazardous fire situations. Observing NFPA 11C ensures that foam-water systems are appropriately designed to provide effective fire suppression, thus becoming a measure for minimizing damage during emergency events.